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The Boldness of Self-Promotion Lies Within Your Expertise

In an unexpected way, advertising is one of the boldest moves a business can make. That’s because it’s not just about promoting a product or service; it's a confident declaration, showcasing a belief in a product or service's unique positioning against competitors.

While there's no shortage of deceptive advertising out there, even those acts prepare brands to be exposed to scrutiny. Engaging in advertising signifies a step out of the shadows, where reliance on mere word-of-mouth won't suffice.

Any good agency will tell a client that effective advertising hinges on demonstrating a clear position or specialization.

Ironically, many of these ad-agencies and production companies shy away from this guidance for themselves. The fear? Being too niche and losing potential business.

However, the reality is quite the opposite. By emphasizing what they do best, agencies make it easier for like-minded clients to find them.

Consider our personal choices. When we need a solution, we seek specificity. If it's sunscreen for example, we might want one that's water-resistant, makeup-friendly, gentle on the eyes, or made from organic ingredients. The clearer a product's unique features are advertised, the easier it is for consumers to find what they need.

A standout example of an agency effectively utilizing clear positioning to create self-advertising is Undnyable.

Their recent campaign targeting CMOs brilliantly showcases how agencies should approach self-promotion.

Justin Hooper and Steve Williams have cleverly branded Undnyable as the “unboring” agency with a comedic edge. They know that not every brand needs humor, and that's okay. But those desiring a touch of comedy in their messaging to help disarm consumer defense-shields will surely be intrigued by Undnyable's approach.

What makes their campaign especially noteworthy is its multifaceted impact.

It resonates with its target audience (CMOs looking to differentiate), it competently takes jabs at their competition without sounding bitter, and it underscores their premium value without explicitly mentioning their price.

It's an exemplary approach by looking at advertising from a CMO’s perspective. And all done by boldly demonstrating their expertise.

So, how should agencies determine their specialization?

Reflect on past successes that were enjoyed the most, and imagine future ideal projects. That area where passion and expertise intersect is probably where a specialty will be found.

Don’t wait for external validation; it's simply about making a declaration and consistently delivering on that promise. By doing so, agencies will not only attract more clients but will also enjoy their work, fees, and collaborations much more.

Kudos to Undnyable for illuminating this path with such wit and clarity.


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