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What's Your Media Buy?

Here are 10 reasons you might ask your clients “What’s Your Media Buy?”

1️⃣ It shapes your creative strategy and deliverables.

Not all creative works everywhere. A pre-roll ad needs to grab attention in the first few seconds, which is very different from a broadcast spot or a sales team video.

2️⃣ It helps target the right audience.

The media buy can reveal insights about the audience’s demographics and preferences, helping you tailor your creative to engage more effectively.

3️⃣ It highlights the need for additional content variations.

The media spend can indicate if you need to create additional social cuts or variations from the main campaign.

4️⃣ It clarifies the campaign’s goals and expectations.

Understanding how much a client is investing in media gives insight into their goals. A higher production budget can be justified by showing how it increases the likelihood of achieving those goals.

5️⃣ It gives you leverage when discussing budgets.

There are too many production variables for a one-size-fits-all budget rule, but understanding the media buy can give you a clearer sense of their overall investment in promoting their product or service, and a better understanding of your value.

6️⃣ It opens up opportunities to influence the media buy.

If a client hasn’t figured out their media buy yet, this is a chance for you to add value by guiding them through that process. You can suggest bringing in a media buying partner or leverage your experience to offer solutions.

7️⃣ It enhances your ability to plan timelines and resources.

Knowing the media buy early on can help you better plan the project’s timeline and allocate resources efficiently. This helps prevent last-minute changes and ensures a smoother production process.

8️⃣ It enables better measurement of success.

Aligning production with media spend helps set clear KPIs, making it potentially easier to track results.

9️⃣ It fosters collaboration.

Asking about the media buy demonstrates your commitment to the client’s success, building trust and promoting a collaborative working relationship.

🔟 It allows for creative solutions within budget constraints.

When you know the media spend, you can propose impactful creative solutions that fit the budget, showing that you can deliver value no matter the scale.

While not every project requires knowledge of the media buy, understanding it can often lead to better-aligned creative and more successful campaigns.


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